

About The Client

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The Results

Cost per Lead: £28.57
Number of Leads: 35
Plan: £1,000.00
Platform: Instagram

The drone industry is constantly changing. Most recently, there has been a massive increase in the use of video content across the internet, especially due to the rise of YouTube and TikTok. Drones can be used to capture all sorts of content such as weddings or family photo shoots, aerial shots of real estate to help put it on the market, or even high-end cinematography for work in filmmaking.

Offering drone footage for the construction industry this business was struggling to take off, we targetted the decision-makers in small and medium sized companies in the North of England

We ran a series of targeted ads across Facebook aimed at individuals, home owners and business owners. Using our years of experience and knowledge, we knew that the correct use of content and offers would make a great campaign.

Want to know how we can do this for you? Book a call today.




About The Client

Where Are They Based


About The Client

Where Are They Based

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About The Client

Where Are They Based